Wednesday Wildlife & Flowers

Wednesday Wildlife & Flowers

 Mommy did a pawsome job of catching the hummer in flight. Now lets mossy down to the Butterfly Garden to see if there are any hummers there.

 The Butterfly Bush is blooming nicely.

 But we don't see any Butterflies or hummers here. Lets go back to the Hummingbird Cottage.

 The Zinnias are really putting on a show here.

 And best of all the Hummingbird is still here.

Before you go Asta reminded us of something and we wants to pass the info on to our friends.

No question about it, chocolate and other products made from cacao beans — e.g., cocoa mulch — contain substances toxic to certain animals, including both dogs and cats. And the main culprit is indeed theobromine, a caffeine-like chemical which acts as a mild diuretic and stimulant in human beings but is poisonous to animals less well equipped to metabolize it.

Cocoa mulch, which consists mainly of cacao bean shells, contains a higher concentration of theobromine than chocolate processed for human consumption. Dogs are attracted to the scent and in documented cases have eaten the stuff, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, trembling, seizures and, in rare instances, death (see symptom list). While it's equally toxic to cats, veterinarians say they are less likely to ingest cocoa products and therefore less at risk.

If you suspect your dog may have eaten cocoa mulch, the ASPCA recommends contacting your veterinarian immediately or calling the Animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4435 for expert advice.

We also want to tell you about something we discovered last year. Some Ant Poisons smell good to doggies. Fenris ingested some Over & Out, luckily he didn't eat much and the main ingredient was the same ingredient that was in his flea pill. Mommy called the Vet and she said he would be OK, but please everyone be careful when putting ant poisons out. ~AFSS

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