Weekend Update

Weekend Update

Oakley and Annie:  "Ummm, pizza, our favorite!!"

Me:  "Sorry kids, these pizzas are for the nice people at the shower."

Annie:  "It's hopeless...I guess I'd better try working the crowd!"

On Satureday we had a shower for one of Amanda's friends, Inna...
one of the many "kids" we've "adopted" over the years.
Not really adopted...but would if we could!

The theme of the wedding was "Fall in Love"...

We provided make-it-yourself pizzas and several salads and Russian Tea Cookies,
while Inna's Mom brought several Russian dishes and desserts...

the bride and groom-to-be both being of Russian descent.
The bridesmaids provided most of the labor for preparation and decoration...

making this party a snap!

I hollowed out this enormous pumpkin, filled it with ice and used it as a cooler.

Sunday Hubbs winterized the pizza oven...covering the chimney to keep out
winter's snow.
We were lucky enough to have 70 degree weather this weekend...
but wise enough to know that it's not going to last.

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