Welcome TJ and MoJo!

Welcome TJ and MoJo!

This past weekend two new friends moved to the farm...

Meet MoJo...

And TJ....

Becky adopted these seven year old German Shepherd brothers 
through a rescue group.
Their previous owner had gone to prison, leaving these two gentle brothers
at home alone.

The persons in charge of caring for them had not done so with any 
regularity, and the brothers were found nearly starved.

They were eventually fostered by the same wonderful person who had fostered our Oakley.
And through her found their way to Dr. Becky and the farm.
Thanks to Becky, the brothers can stay together forever!

They have transitioned well with Becky's girls, Rosie (golden retreiver)
and Indy (Aussie Shepherd).

Sam and Oakley have been visiting with the new boys...
it will take a little time for all of the "masculinity" issues to be worked out,
but so far, so good.

While we were having a puppy play date,
Sid was watching over the fence....

I am so very happy for both Becky and the dogs.
They are gentle souls who will be a great addition to her family.
Don't you just love a good happy ending?

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