When 20 Degrees Feels Like a Heatwave....

When 20 Degrees Feels Like a Heatwave....

We survived!

It was the coldest weekend yet this year.
Friday and Saturday were blustery, frigid, windy, with snow squalls...
and it felt more like we were living in Siberia!

By Sunday it warmed up from 5 degrees to 24 degrees.

Standing in the afternoon sunlight,
it almost felt balmy.

We weren't the only ones who were enjoying the change...

It's to warm up a bit this coming week...
which is good!
When it is as frigid as this past weekend,
we burn through hay so quickly.

As soon as it warms up a bit,
everyone is going on a diet.
(humans included!)

Case in point....
we had farm breakfast yesterday...

a smorgasbord that included:
Scrambled eggs, 
sautéed vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, peppers, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes)
(doesn't everyone eat vegetables for breakfast?)
country bacon and sausage (non-processed...fresh and local),
homemade waffles with fresh strawberries and fresh whipped cream,
 and orange/cranberry scones.

I rest my case!

We had weekend visitors...
the Newlyweds came for the weekend.

Saturday evening we baby-sat the pink fairy.

And Friday I helped out with Tyler's kindergarten Valentine Party.

It was non-stop action for most of the weekend...
until Sunday afternoon...
when I parked myself in an easy chair with my knitting...
(thank goodness we have a couch for the dogs to lay on!)

and a mug of hot chocolate.

Quiet weekends are always nice...

but we'd trade them in a second for time spent with our kids!

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