Where are you Wednesday? Starring Scylla

Where are you Wednesday? Starring Scylla

I am hiding nobody knows where I am.

They will never find me here.

Rats she found me, I wonder how. Do you know how she found me?  ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

- Fun Friday
 We are having tons of fun playing in Scylla's Palace.  You never know what might be hiding in the boxes.  I found some real live feathers in one of the boxes.  Mommy said they came from a Goose, and she found them down by the...

- Scylla Sunday Meowing About National Feral Cat Day
Scylla & SocksNational Feral Cat Day, which is October 16 this year is very important to ME. If it hadn't been for Mommy and the people that rescued me, I might be a Feral Cat today. For those of you who do not know my story. I will re-tell it....

- Mancat Monday
 Rats she found me! I was trying to hide from Mom, but that tattletale Fenny told her where I was at. She would never find me without him. I was rudely carted off to the Vet Friday where they stole more of my bloods. I got a good report though and...

- Mancat Monday
When Mommy takes me outside I hides from her. Behind the septic system is a good hiding place. Daddy built this nice cedar planter to cover the pump up. The Jungle Gym isn't really a good hiding spot but I likes to sit up here because I can see far...

- Artemisia ~ The Motion Picture
I likes looking up stuff with my name that is how we discovered a movie called Artemisia. We decided to do a remake for Fin's Acatemy Awards, and we has to say we like our version better. ~Artemisia the Cat The lovely Artemisia is a dedicated...

