Who Dat Wednesday

Who Dat Wednesday

I am so glad to be rid of the cone and the pins.

Grandma took this picture a day or two before I had the pins removed. I seems to be missing something else too. Fenny told me not to worry about it that I wouldn't miss them after awhile, his are missing too. I wonders what people do with our balls, are they some sort of human delicacy? an exotic human aphrodisiac perhaps? I really wishes I knew. I shall ponder this mystery for awhile.

But I bets you wants to know more about the picture, this was the day I had Frosty Paws for the very first time, I hopes I get more Frosty Paws. ~Mr. Who, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs.

- Fenris Friday
First off I wants to thank everyone for purring, crossing paws and sending positive vibes to Socks. We really thinks all of your love and support gave him a fighting chance. We don't know why he got sick yet. He will go to the regular vet Monday to...

- Add
We had to add an S at the end of Dog, cause now we has TWO DOGS instead of A DOG. For our new readers, the blog started off as ALASANDRA AND THE CATS, that's right it was just a CAT blog. Then Mommy went and gotted Fenris for her birthday so we had...

- Fenris Friday
I won Garth's Frosty Paws Contest. You can read about the contest here. I got coupons for Frosty Paws and a cute stuffed doggie that I wasn't allowed to destuff. Mommy says he will be given a home with one of the little nephews. I did get to say...

- Frankie Friday
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- Mancat Monday
No two legged humans around good. Gather round all you four legged critters and hear a tale, of a Queen with a very long tail. Now all of you have of course heard of the King of the Cats, some critter actually told the tale when a human could hear and...

