Whose Prayer?

Whose Prayer?

All those Fundamentalist Christians who insist we should put prayer back in public schools should consider this.
"If the school allows the Baptist or Methodist church to send home a note to its students about Vacation Bible School, it also has to allow the Unitarian Church to send home a note about its 'Pagan ritual to celebrate Yule,' Riddle warns. "Conservative Christians who want to 'put prayer back in school' had better realize that it might not always be a Christian who is leading the prayers."

- National Day Of Prayer For (some) Christians Only
Thinking Homeschoolers are challenged to write about either National Spankout Day or the National Day of Prayer, by April 30th. I choose the National Day of Prayer to write about. I used to think what's the big deal. In fact I kind of liked the idea...

- Should Tax Money Be Used To Fund Religious Charter Schools?
A school opening this month is named for a Jewish high priest, is directed by a rabbi, will have kosher food and will teach Hebrew. It's also a public school, funded by public tax dollars and following state curriculum guidelines. Ben Gamla Charter...

- Paddling Not Just A Christian Fundamentalist Issue
Jackson Public Schools board members are discussing the pros and cons of resuming the use of paddling as punishment. Though allowed by a majority of public school districts in the state, the practice was abolished in 1991 in the state's largest school...

- Here They Go Again Bashing Homeschooling
A small minority of homeschoolers hold a very public Creationist Science Fair, and now the general public thinks all homeschoolers are creationist and that homeschooling should be strictly regulated on a national level or altogether banned. Carlo elaborates...

- Newscientist Bashes Homeschoolers
I really resent NewScientist assumption that all homeschoolers are religious nutcases that teach their children Creationism instead of real Science. New Scientist investigated how home-schooling, with its considerable legal support, is quietly transforming...

