Wisteria & Other Garden Favourites

Wisteria & Other Garden Favourites

We has lots of things blooming right now.

Our special favorite are our Wisteria, we has a White Wisteria and a Purple Wisteria.

We also loves our Azaleas, this one is down at the pond and it is bigger and has more blooms than all the other azaleas. This is really funny because the reason it is down here all by it's lonesome is Daddy said it was going to die and refused to drag it up to the house to plant it with the others. Mommy tried to drag it up to the house but this was as far as she got so she just planted it here and it THRIVED.

Now as to why it was way down here in the first place well the people that owned the house before us planted it next to the house. Bad idea considering how BIG it gets. So Daddy cut them down and dug them up and put them under the oak tree until he could move them beside the driveway where they look much better. He didn't think this one was going to make it so.....................

They do have dwarf azaleas that you can plant next to your house but these obviously aren't dwarfs, we don't know if the people just didn't realize there are different size azaleas or if they just didn't care. ~ATCAD 

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am so glad you could join me in our garden.  Are you ready for the tour. Please pay attention and don't chase the butterflies, bees or lizards. Ahem, now we can begin.  We will start up at the house with the Azaleas for some reason...

- Mommy Is Going To Kill You Stupid Beaver
This is what is left of our purple wisteria. Mommy is very sad. We thinks the beaver chewed it down. It doesn't realize that it has just had a War on Beaver declared. Mommy tried this Scouts Solution (when half the wisteria was still there) but it...

- Free
We got these Gladiolas for FREE. Grandma gave them to us. We got this plant for FREE too. The people who gave it to us told Mommy it was a Wisteria. So Mommy planted it next to our wood fence (the fence is gone now). Well it wasn't a Wisteria like...

- Thursday In The Garden
Isn't the purple wisteria gorgeous. The bees sure do like it. We thinks it looks really pretty with the white one. The winter was very hard on our "special" azaleas that bloom all year long, we are relived that two of them are blooming. Still not...

- Thursday In The Garden With Artemisia
This is our purple wisteria, it is my favorite.  This is the white wisteria. The purple wisteria is bigger then the white one even though they were planted at the same time. The bees like them both. Bugleweed, it's not a weed. Mommy actually...

