
We were treated to a sunny day...
at last!!
Yesterday was beautiful, sunny, highs in the upper 60's.
Needless to say, I spent the entire day outside working.

Here is the list of yesterday's completed chores:
  • normal AM animal chores
  • cleaned 3 chicken houses
  • cleaned the goat maternity ward
  • cleaned 6 Nigerian Dwarf goat houses, on my hands and knees, I might add
  • trimmed 4 of 5 Nigerian Dwarf goat hooves...Stella just wouldn't be caught
  • took delivery on a back hoe (oh, what a great piece of equipment) sadly, it is just a loaner!
  • used backhoe to dig up gator load of stones for entrance to chicken pen (battling mud)
  • scrubbed all animals water tubs and replaced water
  • grazed the Bigs and Littles in unoccupied goat pens (story below)
  • removed winterizing wrap from bee hives
  • filled organic fly traps with the smelliest stuff ever!
  • moved 10 bales of hay from run in shed to barn feed room
  • swept out barn
  • rounded up two escaped horses (Becky's)
  • got lawn tractor out and mowed between pasture fences
  • turned manure piles with tractor
I have to tell you, I am exhausted just thinking about it!
Now back to the story about the horses grazing off the goat pens.

It is soon time to move goats around a bit.
The Nigerians will move to another pen and
 the new Fainting goat babies and moms will move back down 
to their summer quarters near the Nigerians.

Before we do that, however, we have to work
on getting rid of parasites.
One of the best ways to do that is to allow a different species
to graze the area.

So, the Bigs and the Littles had a wonderful treat...
they spent three hours on lush green grass,
eating their hearts out.

With the rain, lately, their pasture time has been severely deficient.
So, spending a few hours in the goat pen was wonderful.

Wonderful, all except for those crazy turkeys.
For the first time, ever, the Bigs were terrified.
The Bigs ran circles, snorting, and then retreated to the furthest corner of the pen
as far away from those menacing turkeys as possible.

It took about a half hour before Moonbeam, Donnie, and Scarlet
were convinced that they were not going to be eaten by those turkeys!

I often wonder if horses have no sense of size....
their own as compared to others.
Ollie and Red, the minis, act as if they were as big as full sized horses...
they don't seem to know they are tiny.
And Moonbeam sure acted like he thought those turkeys were

Tom Tom sought refuge in one of the goat houses.
He had no desire to get in the middle of all this horse/turkey mayhem.

And Sammy thought he would follow suit and graze a little himself.

Ok, so I have a question.
Why do dogs eat grass?
Do they eat grass because they feel sick and want to vomit?
Or do they just like grass, and oh, by the way it makes them vomit?
If anyone could please give me the answer to this question
that has plagued me forever,
I would be eternally grateful!!

PS...have a wonderful weekend.
If you are in the midst of a drought....I hope it rains!
If you are in monsoon season, like us....I hope the sun shines on you, too!!

- Houdini Goats
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- Together At Last!
I have been hesitant to put the "Bigs" and the "Littles"together in the same pasture to graze...fearing for the safety of my tiny horses. That is until the other day, when I took the Bigs to the upper pasture and heard the cries ofthe Littles as...

- Getting Along Famously!
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- So You're Thinking Of Buying A Goat??
I thought I would take this opportunity to answer some of the questions we get about raising goats. First of all it is important to remember that goats are social animals and do not thrive if they are alone. So, if you want a want at least...

