A Tail of Woe

A Tail of Woe

Many of you asked what happened to my tail, so I thoughts I would tell you my tale of woe. Tuesday evening I was sitting on the chaise lounge by Mommy when all of a sudden I got in POUNCE mode, Mommy thought I had seen a lizard or something I leaped from the chaise over the rosebush  (as you can see it is very large) and I didn't exactly clear it. I let out a meOW, so Mommy got up and rushed around to see what the matter was. I was towering over a young stray black cat that looks like a very small Whiskers to Mommy.

Based on the way the wound looked, it was a laceration, and what Mommy witnessed we thinks the vicious rosebush got me.

Of course being a typical cat I arranged to get hurt AFTER THE VET'S OFFICE WAS CLOSED FOR THE DAY. I also didn't act like I was in any pain. I was having fun playing outside and didn't want to come in. And I was very content following Mommy around helping her water plants. The only reason Mommy knew I was hurt was my tail was dripping blood. Mommy looked at it best she could, determined it wasn't life threatening and choose to wait until I could go to my regular vet, she thought I would be less scared and she trust our vet a great deal and we think she is really good. Mommy called first thing Wednesday and managed to get an appointment for me first thing.

It was a very nasty wound my nerves and blood vessels were exposed but thankfully they were still intact. That is a MIRACLE that we are very thankful for. The vet had to shave my entire tail, and she sewed me back up. I have lots and lots of stitches some you can't see. But the good news is if everything goes well I will get to keep my tail. I has to take an antibiotic and  pain medication (that also helps with the swelling) and Mommy has to make sure that I don't get an infection and that my tail looks OK (one of the reasons for shaving the entire thing) but if all goes well I will go back 10 days from Wednesday and get my stitches out.

In the meantime I have to wear a HISS HISS Cone, that gets in MY WAY, but it keeps me from messing with my tail. ~Scylla telling tales for ATCAD

PS: The stray cat ran off when Mommy came around the rosebush and we haven't seen it since. 

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