Charybdis' Tale

Charybdis' Tale

Human English is so confusing, I have a beautiful tail and I have a tale to tell. Tail, tale, and tell all sound alike to me, but Mommy says I have to spell them differently. Anyway this is my tale about going to MSU.

We left for Grandma & Grandpa's about supper time Tuesday. Mommy & Daddy had fixed a little area for me in the back of Daddy's truck by letting the backseat down. I had my carrier and litter box and I could crawl into Mommy's lap whenever I wanted. I liked looking out the window at all the new things I saw. I had never seen street lamps before, they don't have them where we live. They look neat when you are zooming by them.

Once we got to Grandma & Grandpa's they set my stuff up in the utility room. The Grumps don't like cats in their house. The utility room was nice though it is really big and full of good places to hide. Mommy played with me and petted me for a long time. Daddy went to see his Mommy, so I didn't see much of him. We got up super early to go to MSU.

The student and doctor that saw me were nice. But they SHAVED ME, AGAIN!!! I am tired of the patch look. Scylla says I look funny and she laughs at me. I was separated from Mommy and Daddy for a long time while they made x-rays and did a ultrasound but the good news is they don't think I need any treatment. We go back for another ultrasound in 6-8 months so they can keep an eye on the situation.

I have to go now, Mommy is very mad at me and Scylla cause we ran off into the woods when she took us down to the butterfly garden. The leaves made such a neat sound when we ran through them that we didn't want to go back when Mommy called us. Anyway she is restricting our puter time as punishment and I have used all my time up.

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