Apple Harvest

Apple Harvest

It's that time of year again!
The days are warm, the nights are cool.
The leaves are beginning to turn to shades of yellow and crimson.
And with this time comes apple harvest.

I headed to the orchard yesterday in search of apples

for a very special dessert.
A family favorite...
a tradition started by my mother
and carried on by me...
Apple Harvest Cake

made only one time each year
at apple harvest time.
(see my home blog for the recipe)

I filled my basket with the apples from the lower branches

and then used my trusty apple picker for the ones I could not reach.

I just couldn't help but eat one.

I think they are Macintosh,
but since the trees are so old, 
and we did not plant them,
I am only guessing.

Of course I had the usual help!
Ok, this is not much help, TomTom!

You might want to end your reading
 with the above,
if you are feint of heart,
or a bit squeamish.

I thought I would share with you the outcome
of Dr. Becky's visit with Eileen.....

Yesterday afternoon, Dr. Becky payed a coop call.
She looked at Eileen's foot and confirmed 
that indeed she did have a case of 
(Thanks to Heather and Peggy for the tip!)

Ok, here is your second warning...
you might not want 
to read any farther!!

Bumblefoot is a Staph infection of the foot.
Sure enough, Eileen's foot had a lot of pus beneath the skin.

Dr. Becky lanced the foot

and removed a large solidified mass of pus
(I told you to stop reading!)

She cleaned out all of the pus.
(Amazingly, the procedure did not seem to bother
Eileen all that much.)

Then she applied antibiotics and packed the wound.

Bandages were applied.

We will check the dressings tomorrow and possibly change them.
Hopefully with some daily care,
her foot will now heal up nicely.

Please say your chicken prayers for Eileen!
My apologies if any of that grossed you out!!
(I told you not to ready any farther!)

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