Babies, Babies, Babies

Babies, Babies, Babies

There is nothing cuter than a baby....and goat babies are no exception! Myrtle's Doeling

Myrtle's Buckling

Jill's Doeling

Jill's Buckling #1

Jill's Buckling #2

- Turf Wars
Well, the girls have had a bit of a dispute this past week. It seems that Jill will not let Missy into the maternity ward. Our three pregnant does are housed in their own goat yard with a luxury goat house. This goat house is big and wide open until the...

- Happy News
Missy is pregnant with twins!! This is especially good news for the farm. About a month ago we did pregnancy checks on the three female goats that were bred this Fall. Myrtle and Jill both had babies on board, but we could find no evidence of fetuses...

- Babies, Babies And More Babies!
All of our babies are finally born. You might remember that we had 5 fainting goat babies....previously pictured and videoed (ad nauseum!). In the past two weeks, our Dwarf Nigerian goats, Star and Ash, have also delivered. Each had 3 kids. Star had two...

- More New Baby Goats!!!
Today was an extremely busy day in the Bee Haven Acres Nursery. Missy gave birth to a tiny blue-eyed,tri-color buckling. He is just the handsomest!!Here is Becky with Missy's new buckling...treating his cord with betadine...And Myrtle gave birth to...

- Finally, The Long-awaited Arrival Of Fainting Goats
What seems like a forever wait has finally come to a close and our goats have arrived. After a several-day trip across country in the back of a horse trailer, our O'Malley, Jack(a wether), Jill, Missy, Myrtle and a yet-to-be-named buckling arrived...

