Babies on Board

Babies on Board

Becky and I braved the frigid temperatures and checked our female fainting goats for pregnancy. This involves shaving a patch of fur on their underbellies and applying a conductive jelly (brrrrrr, cold!) and then moving the ultrasound probe around against their underbelly. They don't seem to mind....especially since I am feeding them treats throughout the whole procedure.Just as in humans, ultrasound is used to check the presence and development of goat fetuses. Here is a picture of Myrtle's uterus....ooops the twins it is hard to discern them. So cute.....we could see their little limbs moving and their heads and spines. We did pregnancy checks on Myrtle, Jill and Missy (they were bred in October) and found that both Myrtle and Jill each have twins. Below is Jill, patiently waiting while Becky checks her....especially since there is a steady stream of treats in my hand. With Missy, however, we could found no evidence of pregnancy. Both Myrtle and Jill have gained weight and are getting broad in the bellies. If Missy goes in heat again, we will attempt to breed her again.

- The Maternity Ward
Things are quiet in the pregnancy pen these days....but not for long. Myrtle is due soon...any day now, actually.Missy is quite large and moving slowly these days.Sissy is still not very large...perhaps she does only have one baby as we saw on ultrasound....

- Babies On Board!!
Happy news for Bee Haven Acres: Missy and Myrtle are pregnant! You might remember a post from about two months ago, when we led our bucks, kicking and screaming, down to the yard closer to the gals. Here is Smoochie in an act of protest. We put Chip...

- Turf Wars
Well, the girls have had a bit of a dispute this past week. It seems that Jill will not let Missy into the maternity ward. Our three pregnant does are housed in their own goat yard with a luxury goat house. This goat house is big and wide open until the...

- Goat Pregnancies.....exciting News!!!
If you all will remember, I had told you the story of our little fainting goat buck's first attempt at a nutshell, he attempted to mount and dropped over in a faint. Well, the good news is......HE DID IT!!! Three of our females,...

- Finally, The Long-awaited Arrival Of Fainting Goats
What seems like a forever wait has finally come to a close and our goats have arrived. After a several-day trip across country in the back of a horse trailer, our O'Malley, Jack(a wether), Jill, Missy, Myrtle and a yet-to-be-named buckling arrived...

