Fenris here

Fenris here

I am feeling much better this morning. That's the good news!!!!! The bad news is staying inside is a drag, at least I don't have to stay in the crate 100% of the time. The vet said I can be out inside (where I can't run) but can walk around. So I am confined to the dining room (with that great big table in the middle of it and some other stuff taking up all the room), kitchen (narrow and not long enough for me to run) and utility room (barely enough room for the Mom to stand in there) and I go in the crate when Mommy can't snoopervise me.  When I go outside for bathroom breaks I has to be on a leash and I swears my Mommy must be a thousand years old she walks so slow and says stupid stuff like Fenris DON'T RUN!!!! NO PULLING!!!!! Well I feel better and I want to run.

See this is what happened last week Mommy noticed I wasn't standing on one of my rear legs when I was eating. But when we went for our walk I was walking fine my gait was OK and everything, I was even running.  Then a few days later my gait was messed up but she never could figure out which leg I was favoring as I seemed to keep switching them and I could put my weight on all of them and I didn't object when she ran her hands down my legs trying to feel if something was wrong (the growing pains can switch to leg to leg or it can be in all of them at one time). And then the next day everything seemed to be OK. But Tuesday when she got back from the grocery store I wasn't putting my weight on my left front leg at all. She made me the first appointment she could get which was super early (actually before their normal hours) Wed. morning. And then SHE LEFT ME THERE. See they had to make an X-ray and I took a nice long nap. Mommy came got me as soon as I was awake. I am taking Previcox for inflammation and S3 Soft Chews (Boy those things are GOOD) and I am switching from puppy food to adult food.

I actually feel pretty good I am putting my weight on my leg again today and boy do I wish I could go for a good run. At least it is raining and nasty outside so I don't mind not getting to be out too bad. ~Fenris pup reporting

- Mancat Monday
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- Fenris ~ Day 1 & 2
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