Construction Wrap-Up

Construction Wrap-Up

I swear....
after all the rain we had (4 1/2 inches) over the past couple of days,
I was becoming monochromatic myself!!

Luckily, though, yesterday the sun came back out again.
The animals were ecstatic after spending two days somewhat "penned up."

I treated the horses to some good grazing time in the upper pastures.

The lower (less fattening) pasture (in front of the barn) has several underground streams
that break through the surface when we get torrential rains like we had
earlier this week.

It takes several days for the soggy ground to be firm enough to withstand horses hooves.
So, in the mean time, the horses are enjoying the grassy upper pastures.
They rarely get to spend much time here as the grass is way too fattening for my already chubby equines.

I only wish I could lead the horses out to pasture and work a video camera at the same time.
As soon as their halters come off, they run off bucking and kicking (and passing gas!)....
joyfully letting off steam before settling down to graze.

Becky's horses spend a lot of their grazing time eating down our hay field.
She uses a portable electric fence that consists of one electrified ribbon (solar powered)
strung through simple, moveable metal keeper posts.

Amazingly, this portable fence keeps her three horses contained.
(If only they knew how easily they could just step over the ribbon!)

Finally, it looks as though the shell of our arena will soon be finished...
perhaps today.

The electrician/plumber is finishing today also.

The only thing left to finish is the footing.
Sand and sawdust will have to be delivered for the center ring.
Then, the outside perimeter will be stone dust, to act as an indoor running track for Hubbs and the kids.
The corners will be utilized for hay and tractor storage.
We have tried to make this arena as multi-purposed as possible.

After two days of being "cooped up", 
the pigs were ready for a day in the sunshine, too.
I am just amazed at how big they are getting!

It has been a while since I have written about the Frat Pack.
Our 6 Ameraucana roosters occupied the henhouse closest to our farmhouse
until numbers 5 and 6 discovered the French hens at the barn.
They never went home again.

So, numbers 1 through 4 remain in the Frat House,
and act as the welcoming committee for anyone coming up the driveway to the farmhouse.

I think they are quite stunning with their furry little cheek muffs!

Happily, we are to have clear cold weather for the next week.
I will be working on mulching around the new garden boxes...
a little bit each day.
How about you....what winter projects are you busy with?

Have a wonderful weekend....
we'll see you Monday with more Tails from the Farm!

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