Phil May Have Lied!!

Phil May Have Lied!!

We have a major case of Spring fever here on the farm.
Unfortunately, the weather is not cooperating.

We were spoiled by last week's high temperatures.
Now the weather is back to what is typical for February.
We've had a little more snow and more is on the way.

Even the Roos have Spring fever and refuse to stay indoors.
They do, however, find a higher perch than the ground.

The guineas seek higher ground also,
and spend their days hanging out with the Nigerian goats,
who are always undaunted by any weather conditions.

I thought I would share another view of the farm with you.
I took this picture from above our upper horse pastures.
There are 4 equal sized pastures in front of me and the barn in the
distance.  These fields provide adequate summer grazing for the horses.
We have the ability to connect any of the fields to each other
with gates that swing out across these pathways between....
giving the horses access to 1, 2, 3 or all 4 fields at one time.

Fields #1 and #2 are directly behind #3 and #4.
As I stand here taking this picture,
our 100 acres of woodlands and our riding arena are 
located behind me.
To my left are the goats, chickens, 
my sister-in-law Becky's log home 
and yet more woods...
through them lies our log farmhouse.

This wooded area is located next to our barn,
and was extremely hard hit by the last ice storm
and several wind storms that followed.
We will never have to cut down a single tree to heat our house.
There are enough that have fallen to last our lifetime
and that of our kids.
Our challenge will be keeping enough sharpened chain saw
blades on hand!

In closing, I must say:
I believe that Punxatawney Phil may have lied.
There seems to be a bit more winter left for us to face this year.
Guess I will hunker down, sew, and bake more cookies!
The late winter clean up will have to wait.

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