Easter Morning.....brrrrrr

Easter Morning.....brrrrrr

Just when we thought Spring had arrived....Mother Nature has brought us up short. We awoke this morning, looked outside , and for a moment thought perhaps it was Christmas, not Easter. A soft 3 inch blanket of snow had covered the farm during the night. We had planned to get outside early and clear some trails in the woods, but the sudden addition of snowfall changed these plans. We took the opportunity to sit inside and read and birdwatch. Ok, Spring.......it's time.......

- Stuck
Yesterday morning we awoke to a Valentine surprise. Another little snowfall had blanketed the farm overnight. Hubbs had taken the morning off to spend with his sweetheart,so we took the dogs for a walk through the woods to enjoy the snowbefore it melted....

- First Frost
Mother Nature has a way of bringing us up short.Just when we think we have a handle on her shenanigans,she surprises us... catches us off guard.And that is just what she did this weekend. She dropped by the farm on Saturday morning wearing a heavy frost.Sadly,...

- Wintry Weekend
After waiting for what has seemed like an eternity,the first snow of Winter arrived this weekend. Now, you may remember that we had a 6 inch snowfallon the weekend after Halloween.(Yes, that was the weekend we drove to W.V. to pick up our piglets,and...

- Herding Turkeys
As if we needed a new task to add to the end of each day....we seem to have acquired one....herding turkeys! We decided over the weekend, that it is time for the turkeys to free range a bit.We have been reluctant to allow them to leave their yardout...

- Uh, Oh!
So, yesterday we spoke of Spring.You must understand that I wrote that post on Sunday night. Monday (yesterday) morning I awoke to this....We were prepared for 2 1/2 inches of rain and colder temps,but we were unprepared for this.This ended up being our...

