First Frost

First Frost

Mother Nature has a way of bringing us up short.
Just when we think we have a handle on her shenanigans,
she surprises us... catches us off guard.
And that is just what she did this weekend.

She dropped by the farm on Saturday morning wearing a heavy frost.
Sadly, I hadn't anticipated this appearance,
and had not made the necessary preparations.

That is.... I should have been prepared by harvesting all of the rest of the peppers
in my garden.

Mother Nature decided that I would be better served with less work to do,
and saw to it that my peppers died a quick death.

And so, on Sunday, Hubbs and I spent a little time in the garden,
cleaning up and winterizing.

We pulled the rest of the dead tomatoes and peppers.

We harvested carrots and parsnips

that had grown to such magnitude they were nearly impossible to get out of the earth!

Naturally, Bobby Cat helped in the process.

Elton kept a close eye on us.

Sammy found a soft, warm bed...
a zinnia bed...

for a nap.

Look who else found a safe place in a zinnia box...

Last week when I had counted guineas, I thought I was one short.

It seems this little lady was busy....

But since it is not a good time of year for guinea moms to be tending a brood,
I stole her eggs.
Sorry guinea....but, let's wait until Spring comes...ok?

Meanwhile, the rest of the guineas?


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