Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

Mommy was so impressed with how well the purple verbena did in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly garden that she decided to move the Bugleweed and replace it with verbena.

She got some Aztec Raspberry Verbena, she got some pink too but we don't have a picture of it. We will try to get one for next time.

Our favorite is the Shades of Pink Superbena. We don't know if it will do good though as it said it was an annual. It is growing very fast and has blooms from the palest pink (almost white) to the very darkest pink. We will try to get a better picture of it.

She also got some Aztec in white. If the Aztec does good we would like to have all the colors one day.

Mommy moved the Bugleweed to the bed with the Stokes' Aster in it. We hopes it will do good there.
All the azaleas are blooming even the giant ones up by the house.

~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

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- Flowers On Friday
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- Flowers On Friday
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