Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

These pictures were taken March 14th. As you can see The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly garden is getting ready for spring. Mommy has put the solar fountain back out and it still works (yeah).

The azaleas have a vine growing in them. As soon as they stop blooming Mommy will have to pull the vine out. She wants to wait till then so she won't knock the blooms off.

The purple verbena is exploding with blooms.

This pink azalea is blooming too. We likes it lots because it blooms all year.

- Thursday In The Garden
The Swamp Iris' look so cheerful. We just wish Mommy had gotten the weeds out before they bloomed. This one is growing down in the woods. A blackberry vine. Our Washington Hawthorne, it is a very light pink. We just loves it. The Chinese Witch Hazel....

- Fenris Friday
Hi, I am munching on some grass. Mommy's Wisterias are blooming. Mommy's white and pink Verbena are blooming. The Chinese Witch Hazel is blooming. Mommy planted this Sweet Broom. She saw lots of it in San Diego. She had to dig it back up because...

- Thursday In The Garden
Our regular Azalea. It is huge but it only blooms in the Spring. One of our Encore Azaleas it blooms all year, but it really had a tough time this winter. We thinks we may lose one of them. For some reason Mommy really likes this arrangement. The Golden...

- Flowers On Friday
Mommy was so impressed with how well the purple verbena did in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly garden that she decided to move the Bugleweed and replace it with verbena. She got some Aztec Raspberry Verbena, she got some pink too but we don't have...

- Sunday With Scylla
Hi everybody, I thought you might like to visit the butterfly garden with me. The candlebush is the star of our garden right down. Aren't it's yellow blooms pretty? Hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, wasp and ants all seem to like it's blooms....

