Good Night!

Good Night!

The sun has set.
It's almost time for bed.
(Yes, we go to bed rather early on the farm.)

Before our day is finished, though, we have one last set of chores to do.
And most evenings, Bobby shows up at the house for a ride back to the barn.

It's tuck-in time in the barnyard.

Each evening, we close all of the doors to the chicken houses,
after their inhabitants are safely roosting inside.

We chase the guinea keets and the young hens into their coop...

where they will roost for the night.
(You know how youngsters are....never wanting to heed curfew!)

The turkeys invariably roost on the goat fence.

And so we entice them with Ritz crackers...

so that they will follow us to their house where we can close them safely in their protected yard.

The horses and donkeys enjoy their last meal of hay for the day...

while the pigs loudly remind us that they need to be fed as well!

These gals can be rather boisterous when they think they are hungry.
I cannot imagine that the pigs are every truly hungry,
as they can graze freely whenever they want.
But, their most favorite food is their piggy pellets.

Our new little Roo, Sir Elton, has decided that the best place for him to roost
is inside the donkey house,
so each night he takes his place on their mineral block and goes to sleep.

Bedtime in the barnyard is the perfect and natural ending to the day.

All of the animals become quite peaceful as the sun sets.
That is except the barn kitties, who (after sleeping all day) head out to hunt.

For me there is something so comforting about tucking all of my sweet animals in for the night....
knowing that when the sun rises tomorrow they will all be there waiting for me...
to bring the food.
I would love to think that they were just happy to see me,
but I'm not delusional!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
We are hoping to get our hay cut...if the weather cooperates!
See you back on Monday for more Tails From the Farm.

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