Happy, Happy Day....Goat Babies Have Arrived!!

Happy, Happy Day....Goat Babies Have Arrived!!

Oh how the air at Bee Haven Acres is alive with excitement. Last night Jill gave birth to two blue eyed baby boys. One is white with black spots and the other is black with white spots! They are just the cutest and doing so well. This morning they are walking around, nursing, passing little goat poops and investigating their world. They are so inquisitive and so friendly! Here are a couple of pictures......for more pictures see our goat website....GoatsThatFaint.com.

- First Outing
For the next few months you will be seeing lots of goat pictures (I hope you don't mind!) To me, there is nothing cuter than a kid. They are so tiny and yet so well developed. Myrtle spends her whole day taking care of them....she even head-butts...

- New Kids On The Block!
Hooray! At long last, Jill and Chip's babies have arrived. Jill delivered triplets yesterday....one doeling and two bucklings. All three are black and white like their parents and have blue eyes like their daddy. More pictures to come later today!...

- Turf Wars
Well, the girls have had a bit of a dispute this past week. It seems that Jill will not let Missy into the maternity ward. Our three pregnant does are housed in their own goat yard with a luxury goat house. This goat house is big and wide open until the...

- Our Kids Are Growing Up!
Sadly, we all know that babies don't stay babies forever. This is the most recent photo of one of our favorite kids, Forrest. Forrest has been featured quite a bit here due to the fact that he was the first born. Know, he is as tall as O'Malley...

- Babies, Babies And More Babies!
All of our babies are finally born. You might remember that we had 5 fainting goat babies....previously pictured and videoed (ad nauseum!). In the past two weeks, our Dwarf Nigerian goats, Star and Ash, have also delivered. Each had 3 kids. Star had two...

