Horsing Around

Horsing Around

I thought you might enjoy a little tour of our "horse farm".

This is the area around the barn where
our Bigs and Littles spend their days.

Becky (Hubbs' sister) keeps her horses at her own barn.
During the winter months they graze in our hay field.
She uses this portable electric fence (solar powered)
to keep them in a particular area.

Here are Sid and Ava happily munching away.

Becky moves this temporary fence from location to location.
This allows for lots of grazing during these cold winter months.
The fence works amazingly well.

My horses don't graze here as they are a bit chubby.
This grass would really fatten them up!
We cut this hay field twice last summer.
Both Becky's and our barns are full of hay for the coming
winter months.
It is great to be self sufficient!

- Happy Manure Year!!
You might remember me discussing equine parasites over the past few months.  Much to my horror, I found bot eggs on the Bigs' and Little's front legs this past autumn.  Dr. Becky advised me to wait until after a good freeze and then...

- Never Enough Fences!
It seems like every summer brings another fencing project.At the end of each project I say the same thing...."Now we have enough fences...no more fences."Then another summer comes along and we need another fence. This year's project is construction...

- Moonbeam
He is in need of a bath and some general grooming....but with the weather as it has been for the last several days (rainy), it will have to wait. Still....he is quite lovely, don't you think? Though a bit on the chubby side, (he really loves to graze)...

- Hay Is For....
...Just about everyone these days! We got our final delivery of hay for the upcoming winter. Our barn is stuffed and we should have enough on hand to feed our horses, ponies and goats in the coming cold months. There is quite a chill in the air these...

- Spring Arrives......
Spring is here. The weather has warmed. And no one is happier than the ducks (except for maybe the horses, and the people, and the chickens.....) It was a tough winter for all of the farm animals. The first unfortunate occurence came early in the winter...

