Hay is For....

Hay is For....

...Just about everyone these days! We got our final delivery of hay for the upcoming winter. Our barn is stuffed and we should have enough on hand to feed our horses, ponies and goats in the coming cold months. There is quite a chill in the air these days, but luckily we still have a good amount of green grass left in the pastures.

There is nothing like the security of a hayloft full of hay as the winter months approach. As for the log home building project.....well, now we have a lovely hole in the ground (the old farm house is completely gone!) Next week we will have a foundation.

- Construction Wrap-up
I swear....after all the rain we had (4 1/2 inches) over the past couple of days,I was becoming monochromatic myself!! Luckily, though, yesterday the sun came back out again.The animals were ecstatic after spending two days somewhat "penned up." I treated...

- Phil May Have Lied!!
We have a major case of Spring fever here on the farm.Unfortunately, the weather is not cooperating. We were spoiled by last week's high temperatures.Now the weather is back to what is typical for February.We've had a little more snow and more...

- Hay Is For.....
Everyone!With this cold cold winter we have had,our hay stores are disappearing at a faster than normal rate. My barn is looking emptier every day.We may even have to buy hay if this weather keeps up. I allow the horses a generous amount of hay most days,and...

- More Signs
I have been busily trying to finish up hand painting our farm signs, so they are ready to hang when construction is finished. The final sign is this one that will hang at the roadside beside our long driveway. It is two sided and has the same design...

- Spring Arrives......
Spring is here. The weather has warmed. And no one is happier than the ducks (except for maybe the horses, and the people, and the chickens.....) It was a tough winter for all of the farm animals. The first unfortunate occurence came early in the winter...

