

Ordinarily when two beings are as close as my Littles are, I would say they are joined at the hip. However, in the case of Red and Ollie...they are most often joined at the lips!
These two adore each other and spend a good deal of the day playing. They nibble at each other's faces and chase each other for hours on end (that is when they aren't eating!)
I try to let these little guys out in the dry lot for a portion of the day so that they can take a break from eating. To quote Becky: "Mini's get fat breathing air!". I try hard to never over-feed these wee horses. Once the weather turns a bit colder, they will have hay available all of the time, but for now a wee bit of a "diet" is being followed. But even with that you can see that Red still sports a rather wide belly. Ollie, on the other hand, seems to stay a little slimmer....he is just smaller all over. So with nothing to eat, they turn to torturing each other to pass the time.

So cute....if you could watch these two for just a few moments, you would surely fall in love with them. I have, that's for sure!
Oh, and by the way...Bobby loves the Littles....especially Red. He follows me into the pasture each afternoon to bring the Littles in for supper. Most days Red hangs on to the end of Bobby's tail and follows him in. Once again, those inter-species relationships just amaze me!

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