It's Bear Season

It's Bear Season

This week marked the beginning of black bear hunting season. No, the bears are not hunting. I tried to explain this to Becky's horses, but they were not convinced. They were sure that they had seen a bear....and if this is the first day of bear season, they were also sure that this bear was hunting! All eyes were riveted to that large black, lumbering form in the goat pen. "Hey goats.....BEWARE......DANGER!!!!!!" they snorted.Chip showed no concern and kept eating his dinner. "Well," he said, "That's a mighty funny looking bear with that long tale!"
Even the chickens weren't alarmed. After all, they had all seen this four legged, black, drooling creature before...and it had never caused them any harm.
This is Maddie, my Newfie and my friend. She loves to help with chores, but most days napping takes precedence. This day, however, being the first day of bear season, she decided to see what all the fuss was about. I kept her by my side all roaming in the woods during hunting season. Our woods are all posted, but you just never know....and we don't take chances with our Maddie!

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