A Gift From Sam

A Gift From Sam

Quite often, when I open the door and let Sam and Oakley outside,
they head down the trail through the wood piles
that leads from the house to the woods.

There are many acres of woods behind our home,
and about a quarter of a mile through the woods is a hunting cabin.
The owners of this cabin are rarely there...
unless it is hunting season.

Every winter, after hunting season is over,
Sam and Oakley frequent the hunting camp in search of tasty treats.
And for several weeks each winter, they drag home various gifts...
which they kindly lay at my feet.

Now, I expect the barn cats to exhibit this type of behavior.
They are in the habit of dragging home all manner of rodent and bird.
But the dogs?

What am I supposed to do with this, Sammy?
I sure hope you weren't thinking I would cook it for your dinner!
Oh, that's right, you prefer your meat raw and on the bone!

I hate to sound unappreciative...
but, can't you just stick to the compost pile?

Apparently the hunters remove the legs and leave them behind.
One year, between Sam and Oakley,
they brought home 8 deer legs over the course of the winter.

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