Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

The Glads are blooming, they always make us GLAD.

The Coral Bean looks GREAT, so glad Mommy gotted one for us.

Me, well the vet stole my bloods and did some test and I has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The only symptom I had was increased appetite without weight gain. I has been eating my food, Scylla's food, Tuiren's food, Fenris' food and stealing the humans food off the table. I even started eating Mommy's Candy Corn Cuphea. Turns out some species of Cuphea are used to produce cuphea oil, of interest as sources of medium-chain triglycerides. For most purposes, cuphea oil is identical to coconut oil and palm oil. Mommy thinks it is kinda interesting that it was the only one of her plants I was devouring and it actually is a food source. 

I passed my physical with flying colors my thyroid isn't noticeably enlarged, my coat looks great, my teeth are in good shape. I was just eating a lot and not gaining weight. So Mommy took the veterinarian's advice and had them do blood work. The blood work came back with my T stuffs off the charts and one of my liver things was out of whack. We are hoping once my thyroid gets under control the liver thing will go back to it's normal range. For now I am taking a pill twice a day. I will go back for them to steal my bloods again in a few weeks to see how the medication is working. We will keep you updated on my prognosis. For now it is all good. Thanks to the blood work screening this was caught before I started showing any physical symptoms.  ~Socks, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs

- Socks Meows "is Your Cats Food Causing Hyperthyroidism?"
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- Mancat Monday
Hello everyone, I am so glad you could come by. I took a selfie. Mommy loves the unique markings around my eyes. I likes to hang out down here with the Hummingbirds. It's a nice place to read and meditate. Unless a pesky sister that wants to pounce...

- Mancat Monday
 Rats she found me! I was trying to hide from Mom, but that tattletale Fenny told her where I was at. She would never find me without him. I was rudely carted off to the Vet Friday where they stole more of my bloods. I got a good report though and...

- Words On Wednesday ~ How Y/d Works And Other Facts About Hyperthyroidism
Some of my friends have asked about my y/d diet so I thoughts I would try to explain. At this time only ONE company makes y/d food and that is Hills Science Diet. I will not touch the dry but will eat the canned. But I do get tired of eating the same...

- Pepper Needs Our Help
Drop by Pepper's Page to read all about this terrific feline. Pepper needs our help to get the treatment she needs, as her owner can't afford the cost. One month after getting Pepper, she started getting sick only I thought it was hairballs...she...

