Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

Hello everyone, I am so glad you could come by.

I took a selfie. Mommy loves the unique markings around my eyes.

I likes to hang out down here with the Hummingbirds. It's a nice place to read and meditate.

Unless a pesky sister that wants to pounce on you comes down here too.

I also feels it necessary to explain that Mommy will not allow Tuiren to share her food and poor Fenris gets locked in the Utility Room to eat in solitary confinement because he is such a wimp he let us have his food, much to the Mom's disgust.  I can only eat the y/d food because of my Thyroid and Scylla is only suppose to eat her small portions of the Metabolic food in order for her to lose weight and be healthy. She is going to go get weighed this week so paws crossed she has lost some more weight. Mommy guards Tuiren's food like a hawk (if she didn't me and Scylla would both get into it as Tui is really very sweet and would let us have it) and once she stops eating Mommy picks up the bowl and locks it away in a top secret vault, with Fenris' left over food. I has been searching for it.

~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday
Many of you having probably been reading about Hill's Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight Solution. Rocco's Mom over at To Dog with Love posted about  A Portly Pup Loses Lbs and Gains a New Lease on Life #HillsPet and  Sugar...

- Socks Saturday Sharing
Fenris and Tuiren found a Goose Feather when they were walking with Mommy and asked her to bring it in for me to play with.  I enjoy having some of the things I used to enjoy finding brought to me. Mommy kinda had to doctor this photo as it was over...

- Mancat Monday
The Glads are blooming, they always make us GLAD. The Coral Bean looks GREAT, so glad Mommy gotted one for us. Me, well the vet stole my bloods and did some test and I has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The only symptom I had was increased appetite...

- Mancat Monday
Mexican Petunias in bloom they likes it when we get a lot of rain. They like wet feet. Ginger Lilies, they smell divine. The Rosemary is thriving, don't know if you can tell but it has little blue blooms on it. And what you have been waiting for ME,...

- Scylla Sunday
 I am helping Mommy water the plants, that coupled with my diet cat food should help me get my girlish figure back. I wants to assure you that Mommy LOVES me no matter how I look, but I needs to lose weight to be healthy and happy. I had gained...

