Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 I am studying for my Masters in Computer Science.

 Iti s a very exhausting field so I has to get lots of rest and study in comfort.

I thinks I will take a break and go outside, the silly doggie has moved his bed again. He drug it all around the dining room/kitchen before Mommy took it away cause he put a hole in it. ~Socks

- Tuiren Tuesday
Mommy says I am a silly girl. I gets red dirt on my nose when I digs my sleeping hole. I likes to drink the rain water when it fills up my sleeping hole, Mommy thinks it is weird to turn your bed into a water bowl. I thinks it is practical. Do you do...

- Mancat Monday
 It is really cold out and Mommy is cleaning up the study disturbing my rest. This is VERY RUDE of her. It was to cold to stalk outside in protest so I came stole the dogbed and blankets, in the dining room.  They are actually very comfortable...

- Fenris Friday
BOL, Mommy says this is my mug shot.  My routine has been shot to heck and I am most unhappy. I get stucks inside so Socks can play outside in MY YARD with MY MOMMY.. I do not thinks this is fair. Sometimes I get to go outside with Socks & Mommy,...

- Mancat Monday
 I has lots of responsibilities as the editor in chief of our blog. I has to make sure that everyone gets their reports in on time and that Mommy types them up for us.  It is a very exhausting job but someone has to do it. Mommy got a new monitor...

- Fenris Friday
 The Gold Flame Honeysuckle is very pretty. I took a gander at it while Mommy watered everything before our walk.  Butterflyweed, I likes how colorful it is.  Haven't got a clue what Mommy thought she was taking a picture of.  The...

