My Gotcha Day Story

My Gotcha Day Story

This is my first Christmas.

Little did I know how much my life would change December 25th. I was born at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They has a lot of barn cats. They feeds us and if we will come up on the deck the Grandma will play with us if the weather is nice. But they don't let us in the house no matter how much it rains or how cold it gets. They say we can take care of ourselves.  Some of us don't come around people cause we are afraid.  But I was brave. I came up to the deck with my sibling, who is normal size. He liked to be petted he would come to Mommy even when she didn't have food. I would only come when she had ham & eggs for me to eat, but I did come. My other sibling who is small like me wouldn't even come around for food. On December 25th Mommy, Daddy & the boy beans came to visit Grandma & Grandpa and they brought the carrier with them. They were planning to bring me HOME.  Mommy feed me and Midnight Greenies and let us in for a little bit (Grandma & Grandpa don't like cats in the house). Midnight didn't like being inside and tried to get back out. But I liked laying next to the warm fire. When she caught me Saturday I was very happy to stay in her lap next to the fire until it was time to leave. And when she put me in the carrier I never made a peep.

When they got me home I wouldn't eat cause the food smelt different then what I was use too and I didn't know about having a bowl of your very own. Daddy made some scrambled eggs for me and I gobbled them up then I ate the canned cat food Mommy had tried to give me then I ate most of the dried cat food she had given me. Can you believe Scylla & Socks don't like scrambled eggs? I spent the first day in the Master Bathroom by myself and Mommy is very proud of me. I figured out what the litter box was for right off the bat and never had an accident. I got free reign of the house after that.

I loves my HOME. I has toys to play with.

Warm blankets to lay on.

I likes to play with the soccer ball just like Charybdis did. Mommy talks about her a lot.

I even got a present from Dr. Lisa.

This is my new sister, she watches me play sometimes. I wishes she liked me. I want to be her friend.

I want to be your friend too. I likes having a blog, and a Mommy & Daddy.

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