My Least Favorite Day of The Year

My Least Favorite Day of The Year

Just a couple of weeks ago I wrote to you of my favorite day...
the end of Daylight Savings...
that wonderful day that gifts us an extra hour of life
(only to be taken away from us in the spring.)

So, I am sure you would guess then that my least favorite day is the beginning of Daylight Savings.
It would stand to reason...
however it is not the case.

No, my least favorite day (yesterday) is the first Monday after Thanksgiving.
"Why?" you ask.

Because it is on this day that the peaceful life that I live here on the farm
is disrupted in a way that I find quite disturbing.

It happened at first light yesterday...
the repetitive sound of rifles in the not-so-distant countryside...
and the knowledge that no deer would be safe for the next few weeks.

Yes, it's hunting season again.
That time of year when the countryside is dotted by hunters in fluorescent orange
hiding in all manner of homemade tree stands,
just waiting for some poor unsuspecting deer to step into their shotgun's range.

With each shot that rings out through the morning air,
I silently say a prayer for the white tails.

Yes, you guessed it.... I vehemently dislike hunting.
I'm one of those crazy "Far Side" tree hugger types who think that the deer should be armed with 
shotguns of their own.

I've heard all of the rationale that explains the benefits of hunting...
but with me it falls on deaf ears.

Yes, I eat meat.  I makes no sense.
But still, I'd rather see these critters through the lens of my camera than through the sights of a shotgun.

For the next few weeks I will have to be vigilant about keeping the dogs at home.
There will be no woodsy adventures for them
And although our land is posted with No Trespassing signs,
the dogs unfortunately don't know our boundaries.

Honestly, they seemed to get a little nervous during the gunfire.

By late morning, thankfully, things quieted down and peace was once again restored.
The farrier came....
pedicure day for equines!

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