Product Review ~ Cat Quest

Product Review ~ Cat Quest

Us cats are very excited we were asked to do a product review. A  box came in the mail for us and you all know how much we loves boxes, but this box was the best yet cause it had a toy inside of it. The toy is called a Cat Quest. The company that makes Cat Quest is called Crazy Pets and  it's run by pets., how cool is that. This toy was easy to assemble even our Mommy could do it. We are each going to take turns telling you about it and in a couple of weeks we will even have some pictures of us playing with it to show you. Mommy has to do some computer cleaning and free up some memory so she can download the pictures. Which doesn't make any sense to us but maybe it does to you or your beans.

(Charybdis) I get to go first because I was the first one that tried it. I loves it. It is almost as good as a real dragonfly. The wings really do flutter and unlike the dragonflies I chase outside I can actually catch this one. It makes a neat noise too. Even when boybean hid the dragonfly I could find it if he made the wings flutter. Now I do have to report that I am really rough on toys and when I got too aggressive I pulled the wings off, but they snapped right back on. This toy requires supervision as you can not chew on the cord or eat the bug, I wanted to do both. I gives it 3 paws, since I am not allowed to eat it. ~Charybdis

(Socks) 0 paws from me. I am sure it's a purrfectly nice toy, the girls certainly seem to like it, but I have never liked toys that move. Give me some nice stationary feathers that I can walk up to and bite or a stationary ball I can whap around the room and I am your cat. But I really don't like to play with the beans and toys on strings. Now I has to agree with Mommy, my brother Whiskers would have loved this toy. He loved playing with Daddy while I sat in Mommy's lap. But I don't, in fact I was a tad afraid of it when Mommy made the wings flutter. Real dragonflies aren't that loud. Besides training Fenris fully occupies my time, I don't have time to play. I am happy to report that I can now just lift a paw and the lad runs to hide behind Mommy (silly doggie he is like 4 times my size). We touched noses today. I wanted his canned dog food. I thinks I need to work on the training. He didn't slink off and give me the food, he ATE IT HIMSELF, with me watching!!!!!! I thought about sharing the bowl with him but ........ well his MOUTH is awfully BIG, and he didn't leave any leftovers.


Ok, this is a really lousy picture Mommy took it with the phone but as you can see this toy meets with my full approval. I gives it 4 paws. I am sure she will take some better pictures of me playing with it with the camera. I was the last one to test it as Mommy had lost me outside (silly woman didn't even know I wasn't under the bed until she brought the toy to coach me out from under the bed). I was checking the barn out, I really thinks I should get rid of some of the vermin in there. Anyway even though I was tired after my barn workout I mustered the energy to play with this. It is FUN!!!!!! Mommy muttered something about it being a good way for me to exercise ( I thinks she meant playing with me would be a good way for her to exercise, she is the one that needs to lose weight). Anyway I leaped up to catch it, I ran down the hall after it and I CAUGHT IT! I likes the fluttering wings and the noise it makes. In fact I likes everything about it.

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