

These azaleas are PURPLE, "Probably the most noted and planted cultivators of Indica Azaleas are ‘Formosa’ – magenta purple; ‘Pride of Mobile’". We thinks the Formosas are very pretty and they get really big. We have a huge one down at the pond.

Grandma gave us this PURPLE verbena. It did so well in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden Mommy bought some pink and white verbena to go around Whiskers' grave.

We like the color PURPLE and we have lots of PURPLE plants in our yard.


- Thursday In The Garden - Thankful Thursday With Socks
The Wisteria is just lovely. And the Azaleas are gorgeous, we loves this time of year when they are blooming. Mommy went to the Pascagoula River Audubon Center and got some Azure Salvia, we are very relieved it survived the frost we had after Mommy planted...

- Scylla Sunday
I am going to go strolling in the Butterfly Garden with Brian, would you like to come too? Grandpa said this is a weed, but I thinks it is pretty. I wishes I knew it's name. Our yarrow. A nice lavender color. The Herman's Pride, so far the ones...

- Thursday In The Garden With Artemisia
This is our purple wisteria, it is my favorite.  This is the white wisteria. The purple wisteria is bigger then the white one even though they were planted at the same time. The bees like them both. Bugleweed, it's not a weed. Mommy actually...

- Flowers On Friday
Mommy was so impressed with how well the purple verbena did in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly garden that she decided to move the Bugleweed and replace it with verbena. She got some Aztec Raspberry Verbena, she got some pink too but we don't have...

- The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
We are all still grieving over the loss of Whiskers. In order to honor his memory we have decided to create a butterfly garden around his grave site. He enjoyed being around his family and this will give us a peaceful spot to sit close to his grave and...

