Saturday Sharing ~ Thanks Ellie & Star

Saturday Sharing ~ Thanks Ellie & Star

The lovely ladycat Ellie from Friends FurEver gave me the Opposites Attract Award. Thanks you so much Ellie.  This is such a pretty award. I loves having it for my very own. I also received this award from Star who blogs at Life with Ragdolls.  Thanks you Star.

This award was designed by Nerissa in celebration of his 200th post.  In accepting this award, you need to follow only three rules.
1)  Thank the blogger who gave you the Opposites Attract Award and link back to their blog:  Thank you Ellie and Star it was so sweet of both of you to think of me.
2) Post the award on your blog. Done
3) Pass the award along to at least one other blogger.  More than one would be better but if you can only come up with one, that’s okay too. The Opposites Attract Award is all about opposites, so boys have to give the award to girls and girls have to give it to boys. If you pass the award on to a multi-cat/animal household, you must name the recipient. And, of course, you can pass it on to other four-leggers, such as dogs, bunnies, guinea pigs and ferrets.
Well I am going to give it to....................................................
  • My fiancee Samantha from Life from a Cat's Perspective
  •  Scarlett from The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly
  • Toot from The Misadventures of Me.
Life with Ragdolls also gave the award to Scylla , she asked me to pass along her thanks and she is giving the award to........................
~Socks reporting for ATCAD

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