Opposites Attract Award ~ Thanks Savannah & Brian

Opposites Attract Award ~ Thanks Savannah & Brian

Oh isn't this a pretty award. My friend Savannah from Savannah's Paw Tracks gave it to me. Thank you so much Savannah.

If I understands this award I is suppose to give it to a girl since I am a boy. I will give it to my girl Sagira. Her family does a lot of work with Weimaraner rescues if you aren't familiar with her blog. I am also passing it along to Miranda Kitten. She is bravely working with her family to carry on her brother Dash Kitten's blog. Its aim is to foster positive inter species interaction between humans, cats and other animals. I also wants to give it to the lovely Annabelle from Purr Therapy, they are a new blogging family and I just LOVE the title of their blog, purrs make everything better don't you think?

Now would somebody please come play ball with Me?

Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

OK, at last it is MY turn. some paws hog the blog.

My boyfriend Brian gave me the award.  Thanks you Brian. Since I am a ladycat I get so to pass it on to guys. I am passing it along to Vidock at The Poupounette, Waffles at Glogirly and Frankie from Frankly and Earnestly Speaking.

~Scylla reporting for ATCAD

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