The Sweetest Pony

The Sweetest Pony

If you have been reading my blog for the past year, you already have met my pony, Moonbeam. Moonbeam is a Haflinger. He came to me by way of a local Amish breeder. Moonbeam is schooled in driving. He has pulled carriages in competition and has also worked the fields on an Amish farm. He is calm and patient and very sweet natured. He is a little on the chubby side these days, however. His best buddy is Donnie Brasco, our little brown pony. They play together and groom each other most of the day. Moonbeam was feeling rather photogenic today, so I thought I would share a few pictures.

Moonbeam also has a great sense of humor!

- Happy Birthday, Mr. Tall, Blond And Handsome!
The sky is gray and cloudy.The air is moist and foggy.The ground continues to be white...a fresh coating of snow fell over night. And so winter continues.... I thought, since it is his birthday,that today would be a great day to dedicate to my favorite...

- His Best Side
On my rounds yesterday afternoon,I stopped by the brooder house to check on the chicklets.To my amazement, the peeps were all gone.Every last stinkin' one of them...gone.And in their place, 36 crazy adolescents...running about and practicing their...

- Who's Who....part 7
I often get the question..."Which animals take the most time to care for?" The answer to that is thought necessary.The horses! Cleaning up their manure three times cleaning the pastures,feeding (in the winter time, they need lots...

- Horsing Around
Another wonderful thing about this time of year is apples.Our orchard is full of apples...yummy, juicy, sweet/tart apples. Not only are they a favorite snack for us,but also for the horses. Yesterday I treated the horses to a little game....bobbing...

- Conquering Fears
Yesterday afternoon was beautiful....clear blue skies, low 60's, cool breeze....perfect for a ride. I decided early in the day that I would make riding Moonbeam my goal for the day. This might seem like no big deal to many of you. But to me....huge...

