The Voiceless Homeschoolers

The Voiceless Homeschoolers

A Fundamentalist Christian Homeschool Blogger wanted to know why Secular Homeschoolers seem to be so hostile toward them.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they presume to speak for ALL homeschoolers. They make inane comments like

And other blanket statements, assuming that just because I homeschool, I am willing to walk in lockstep with them, I am not. It's bad enough that non-homeschoolers force myths and stereotypes on homeschoolers, it's downright infuriating when fellow homeschoolers attempt to do it. The homeschool community is just as diverse as the public school community, just as no one group of public school parents can speak for all public school parents no one group of homeschoolers can speak for all homeschooling parents.

Then there is the issue of homeschool groups. There are plenty of 'Christian' homeschool groups, that require their members to sign statements of faith in order to join. They make no bones about only wanting 'Christians' in their group and not wanting to associate with non-Christians. These groups mainly spend their time praying and talking about religion. So why do the members of the 'Christian' groups join inclusive and secular groups and then try to monopolize the groups with prayer request? Why do they get all offended when they are asked to conduct their prayers privately and stick to homeschool topics? Why do they intentionally or unintentionally try to discourage the very people the inclusive and secular groups were created for from participating by dominating the group with 'religion' and getting all offended when they are asked not to? They have their 'Christian' groups where they can pray, bash those of differing beliefs, and talk religion all they want, is it to much to ask that they not infiltrate groups that are created for those who want less/no religion in their homeschooling journey.

If those of us who aren't white Fundamentalist Christians sometime seem hostile, maybe it's because we feel voiceless and homeless. We get tired of explaining to others that just because we homeschool we don't belong to H$LDA, we don't support H$LDA's goals, we do believe in evolution and we aren't going to vote for so-and-so for President just because some homeschooling guru said we should. That the homeschooling community is a diverse community full of Pagans, African-Americans, Gays & Lesbians, Jews, Pastafarians, Democrats, Republicans, Independents and any other group you can think of. We get tired of being told we aren't good enough to join the "Christian" groups because they only want to associate with other Christians, only to have these same Christians join the inclusive or secular groups we create for ourselves. Don't get me wrong I don't mind Christians joining my group, I consider myself a Christian. I do mind them trying to turn it into a "Christian" group and driving my Pagan, Jewish and other non-Christian friends away.

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