Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia

Thursday in the Garden with Artemisia

I gets to show you around today.You should always take time to stop and smell the flowers.

The Swamp Iris we wants to get some Blue Flags to go with them.

Some weeds Mommy hasn't pulled up yet, they are kinda pretty, maybe she will leave them.

The raised bed around Charybdis' grave. Daddy needs to put some dirts in there. Mommy has the flowers all ready to plant.

This Verbena is around Whiskers' grave.

Didn't it look pretty. Now I has a question for all my gardening friends. See shortly after this picture was taken it came a deluge, flood, moonsoon, too much rain (Mommy says some of you from other parts of the USA aren't aware of the torrential downpours we gets here so I am trying to give you the idea of how much rain we got.) and the verbena all died in this bed. In the bed just above it the verbena is doing fine. Anyway it finally stopped raining and the verbena started to come back out and then we got the HOTS (Mommy says it gets hotter here then in some parts of the USA, just imagine an oven turned way up or a sauna) and the verbena died again (this time probably for good). Anyway does anyone have an idea of something we could plant here that would look good all year? We wants it to look pretty for Whiskers. It needs to grow close to the ground. We have tried planting Herman's Pride since it was doing so well in the flower pot, but it looks as if it is struggling. We are going to give it to the end of June to see if it makes it and possibly thrives, but we would like some ideas in case it doesn't.

I am looking out for pest. Something has been eating the leaves on some of our plants.

This is the Verbena that is still doing good. It even looks good in the winter. Mommy is puzzled why one bed does so good and the other bed doesn't. Mommy had Bugle Weed planted in the Whiskers bed before she tried the Verbena there and it didn't do good there either, but is doing great in the bed it is planted in now.

Be sure to stop by and visit Jonesie in her garden.

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