Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

This is my royal portrait. I am a Tsarina, which is like an Empress and outranks a mere Queen. My subjects should address me as Your Imperial Highness Majesty of Unparalleled Cuteness (Thanks Tommy & Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Yuu-Chan and Bibi-Chan) Artemisia, Empress of Everything.  And yes, I am top cat and outrank Queen Scylla, who is only Her Royal Highness Your Majesty Scylla, Queen of La Chambre à Coucher. Be sure to remember this as I do not wish to bite anyone.

As top cat I can pretty much do whatever I wish.

And now I wishes to sleep.

- Mancat Monday
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- Bora Bora Day
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- Hummingbird Cottage ~flower Show Day 1 In The Afternoon
I (Artemisia) figured we would start off with the main attraction at the Hummingbird Cottage. That would of course be the Hummingbird. Our Mommy actually managed to catch him in flight. He is a very fast fellow and is constantly zipping around. If you...

- For Yuu-chan
Sending purrs of comfort to Yuu-Chan's family. ...

- Scylla Sunday
Mrs Ann made this lovely portrait for me and my boyfriend King Brian. I feels it captures our personalities purrfectly. I hope Brian likes it as much as I do. I got the portrait right before I went to bed last night and I had the most wonderful dreams...

