We received The Superior Scribbler Award

We received The Superior Scribbler Award

The Superior Scribbler Award was started by The Scholastic Scribe to celebrate their 200th post. To read more about the Superior Scribbler Award click HERE.

As with every award, there’re some rules that need to be followed:
1. Each Superior Scribbler must pass the Award on to 5 deserving blogger friends.

2. Each Superior Scribbler Award recipient must link the author and name of the blog from whom he/she received the award. WhimPurr's Whim was kind enough to pass this award on to us.

3. Each Superior Scribbler Award recipient must display the award on their blog and link to the post which explains the award.

4. Each is asked to visit the post which explains the award and add their name to the Mr. Linky List.

5. Each Superior Scribbler Award recipient must post these rules on their blog.

We would like to pass this Award along to:
  1. MoMo @ Mieow
  2. Cliff & Olivia
  3. Miss Peach's Meowz 
  4. Zoolatry ~ who proves a picture is worth a thousand words.
  5. Cory Cat Blog 

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