We're Back...And You Didn't Even Know We Were Gone!!

We're Back...And You Didn't Even Know We Were Gone!!

Happy Monday!!
We returned last evening from a whirlwind trip to Charlotte, N.C.
We flew down Friday evening to spend the weekend with one of the
"kids", Ryan and his girlfriend.
We hiked and visited and dined...basically packing as much
activity into the weekend as possible.

It was a great quick get-a-way from early morning chores
and farm work.
Unfortunately, it leaves me with no "story" for today.

I do have a little update for you, however.

We've had a big thaw after several days of 60 - 70 degree weather
(unfortunately it is back into the 30's and 40's now).
The pond is no longer frozen....and the ducks are very happy.
At least 17 of the ducks are happy.
Sadly, though, number 18 has gone missing.
I fear he has fallen prey to a hungry animal.
Up to this point, I was so happy that all 18 ducks had made it 
almost a whole year.
Oh well...I guess it could be worse.

Such is life on the farm.
We try everything possible to keep our animals healthy and alive...
yet, nature has a way of weeding them out.

On a lighter note,
we have been aware that there has been a visitor to our
200+ year old log cabin.
Although we keep it locked and under video surveillance,
we still manage to get an occasional visitor or squatter.


Bet that's not what you expected, now, is it????

Have a wonderful Monday.
We will be spending our day doing a bit of late winter
clean up...
cutting down the tall grasses,
cleaning up fallen limbs,
raking leaves,
cleaning out bluebird houses,
and all of the other normal farm chores.

- Leftovers
For those of you who enjoy videos from the farm...this post is for you!For you, who would rather a quicker post...I apologize. While out and about this week I captured a little video in several of the animal areas.And because I think my critters are...

- Weekend Wrap-up
Our weekend was a bit of a whirlwind.Saturday was a day away from the farm...a trip to Philadelphia for Inna's wedding (you might remember we held the Fall in Love bridal shower for her this past October.) Inna and her mother and brother immigrated...

- Surprise!
I can't tell you how glad I am that I got to clean the pasture on Tuesday!Because....This is what I woke up to on Wednesday...                                  ...

- Happy Endings....we're Overdue!
Every May and June for several weeks it seems like the farm is under siege by foxes.It is during this time of year that I always lose a few chickens.This year is no exception, sadly. Henri  and rooster Number 6 have disappeared from the barn area....

- Weekend Recap
I am writing this post at 10:00 PM Sunday evening.The last several days have been a bit of a blur.So many good things have happened here on the farm.I thought I would share the highlights with you. First and foremost, we brought Tyler Andrew (first...

