We're Expecting!

We're Expecting!

We performed pregnancy checks on the three fainting goat does that we have bred
for Spring babies.

Sally, O'Malley's daughter, was bred this Autumn for the first time.

She didn't seem to mind the ultrasound at all.

Good news!  She's pregnant.

We only saw one fetus...but there can always be more.

O'Malley was the last to be bred, so nothing showed up on her ultrasound...
it's still a bit early.


now a veteran at all of this...

has twins (at least) on board.

Oh, how fun Spring will be when these three girls give birth.
There's nothing like new born kids on the farm!

PS....thanks to all of you for your well wishes with regards to my killer case of poison ivy.
I have catalogued all of your suggestions for further use.
This time, however, I have resorted to Prednisone....
which seems to be drying up the rash on my face at least.
Thanks for all of your remedies!!

- Motherhood
One of the strongest instincts, I believe, is that of a mother protecting her young.A perfect illustration of this is our newest mother, O'Malley. Our maternity ward currently houses our three does,Sissy, O'Malley, and O'Malley's daughter...

- Great News!!
We are having babies!!Goat babies! Dr. Becky performed an ultrasound pregnancy check on our doesand found that each of them that were bred this Fallare pregnant.This was supposed to be a beating heart...but the baby moved.Ooooooh (squeals of delight),...

- Transformation
If you follow our blog,you will know that O'Malley is one of our favored goats.She came to us in 2007 with our original foundation stock...having just been born that spring. O'Malley is a Fainting Goat,and scores very highly on the fainting...

- You Know You're Having A Bad Day When......
.....your best friend poops on you!!! Poor O'Malley was found waddling (yes, she has that pregnant waddle) around the goat yard yesterday with a pile of goat berries on her back.  It's bad enough that Missy and Myrtle butt her with their...

- Babies On Board
Becky and I braved the frigid temperatures and checked our female fainting goats for pregnancy. This involves shaving a patch of fur on their underbellies and applying a conductive jelly (brrrrrr, cold!) and then moving the ultrasound probe around against...

