Working on the "Long" List

Working on the "Long" List

After what seems like weeks and weeks of weeding,
the strawberry patch make-over is almost complete.

Just a bit of mulching to be done today...
and then I can sit back and wait for the berries.

Hubbs was determined to make my strawberry patch 
as low maintenance as possible.

While I weeded the rows and transplanted new
plants to straighten the rows,

Hubbs spread tarp between the rows

and began covering it with oak bark mulch.

I like the idea of mulch between the rows,
besides looking nice, it will be a weed deterrent.
Any little weeds that take root in the mulch will be so much easier to pull.

In years past, I had mulched with straw,
but ended up growing oats and wheat between the rows
as a result.

Of course we had the usual help...

and the usual visitors....

Meanwhile, inside the house, I have finally finished
spring housecleaning the pantry.

Shelves emptied, scrubbed....

and reorganized.

There is nothing better than the sense of accomplishment
when these tasks are completed!
And oh, so satisfying to cross two more items off the "long" list!!

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