
Happy Thanksgiving!

~Alasandra, Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

Due to our staff having to do stuff like cook we will be unable to visit today but we will be thinking about all of you. And for some reason stupid blogger didn't post this when it was suppose to. So Happy Thanksgiving Late.

- Happy Thanksgiving From Atcad
We hopes everyone has a wonderful day with their family and friends. ~Tuiren, Socks, Scylla, Fenris & Alasandra ...

- Happy Thanksgiving
Happy ThanksgivingScylla, Socks, Fenris & Alasandra ...

- Happy Thanksgiving
Our pretty yellow Mums are blooming for Thanksgiving so we thought we would share them with you. We are spending the day with family and Mommy has to cook and clean and stuffs so we will visit as soon as we have an opportunity. Thinking of all of you...

- Moping On Monday
Do I look happy to you? Yeah all I have been hearing is I have to do laundry Fen, I have to mop the floor Fen, I have to cook Fenris. What about PLAYING with me???????? To top it off it has turned COLD, so when she isn't busy all the Mom wants to...

- Turkey Pardon
Happy Thanksgiving from our farm family to you! May your day be filled with good cheer and good health. We will be enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with our friends this afternoon, and making final preparations for our family celebration tomorrow. I am happy...

