
Filmchat has an email interview with Philip Pullman. This quote from Pullman is worth thinking about.

But that doesn't prevent me from pointing out the arrogance that deforms some Christian commentary, and makes it a pleasure to beat it about the head. What on earth gives Christians to right to assume that love and self-sacrifice have to be called Christian virtues? They are virtues, full stop. If there is an exclusively religious sin (not exclusively Christian, but certainly clearly visible among some Christians) it is the claim that all virtue belongs to their sect, all vice to others. It is so clearly wrong, so clearly stupid, so clearly counter-productive, that it leads the unbiased observer to assume that you're not allowed in the religious club unless you leave your intelligence at the door.

And maybe this offers some insight into the current divisiveness in the homeschooling community. One group of homeschoolers have decided that they should be the voice for all homeschoolers because they are more 'moral' then the rest of us. Those of us who don't measure up to the Fundamentalist Evangelical Christian mold should be excluded from the homeschooling club. When we start our own inclusive/secular groups the Fundamentalist Evangelical Christians flock to them and attempt to take them over because as JJ explained over at Unity~N~Diversity

The biblical principles crowd (several posters here, apparently) is commanded to believe that we ALL belong under their religion's rule. From a biblical principles "education" directive called CLASS:". . .the teacher must self-consciously teach all subjects in the framework of biblical authority. . . The proper method is to use the Bible in each and every course both directly and indirectly. Biblical doctrines must regulate the way we teach and learn. . . . teach the student to reason biblically.. . .This worldview is a unified system of principles that . . . requires that every thought be made captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ.. . .Culture, society, and education are thus bound to religion.. . .Christ is now reigning, but not everyone has bowed the knee to His authority. Not every area of life and thought has been made subject to Him. Christian education serves as part of His purpose to subdue people from all nations to the glory of God."

I for one am tired of them trying to ram their beliefs down my throat. Secular homeschoolers have as much right to homeschool as the Fundamentalist Christians do. We also deserve to have homeschooling groups that meet our needs. Homeschooling Groups that are focused on HOMESCHOOLING, not groups that are intent on ramming their worldview down everyone's throat.

As an interesting aside I learned during the Christmas Holidays that The Golden Compass has been banned from the reading list at Clarkdale (Meridian, MS) Public Schools and one of the Mobile, AL County Public Schools.

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