kestrel9000 Attacks Homeschooling at Daily Kos
First off I am going to take umbrage at the title of the post, Revisionist History: The Christian Right and the Miseducation Of
Our Children. Shining Celebi and Lord Epa are mine and The Big Kahuna's kids they do not belong to anyone else. The idea that children belong to anyone other then their parents is a serious fallacy.
Here it is tempting to digress into a discussion of whether, though parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit, that right includes programming their children with a falsified and distorted view of history, while simultaneously weakening the educational resources available to children in public schools. This, however, is not the purpose of this composition.Apparently kestrel9000 is another loony who thinks I should send my children to the substandard public schools for the greater good. I am not responsible for Mr. & Mrs General Public's kids, I am responsible for my own kids and part of that responsibility is making sure they get the best education possible. Just like I make sure they get the best health care we can afford. It never ceases to amaze me that no one quibbles with a parent seeking the best medical care for their children but they hurl abuse at parents who seek the best education for their children.
Also kestrel9000 seems to believe that only Christian Fundamentalist homeschool and seems to be completely ignorant of the fact that there are liberal secular homeschoolers.
kestrel9000 trots out the same old anti-homeschooling rhetoric we have heard numerous times before our kids will be socially stunted without public school socialization, our kids will not be able to cope in the 'real world' (what world does he/she think we live in while we homeschool?), our kids are abused because their 'bad' parents are denying them a public school education. Their thinly disguised hatred of religion is also troubling. They display a disheartening lack of tolerance for homeschooling while maintaining that homeschoolers are intolerant.
Yet these same conservatives are silent when I object to my tax dollars being used to instill their children with distorted, revisionist history.
kestrel9000 is showing their ignorance again. Their tax dollars in no way benefit homeschoolers. Does kestrel9000 think their tax dollars go to private school children? If not why does kestrel9000 assume their tax money goes to homeschoolers? Like private schools, homeschooling is an educational alternative to the failing public schools. So kestrel9000 stop your b****** and stop harassing homeschoolers. We have every right to provide
our children with the education of
our choice.Other post on this topic
- Post on Socialization at Alasandra.
- Post on Homeschooling at Alasandra.
- Home Schools Run By Caring Parents at Home~schoolers Rule.
- But They Are So Normal at Home~schoolers Rule.
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Educational News
Homeschoolers are a very diverse group contrary to what some people think. For the Native American Homeschoolers amongst us The Native American Homeschool Association and Native American Homeschoolers are two groups you may want to check out. *********************************************************************************...