
There was quite a stir in the barnyard yesterday.

Rod was all a flutter.

You see, he's had his hands full lately,
(I know, chickens don't really have hands, do they?)
with Number 6's daily visits to the henhouse.

When the two boys' paths cross,
Rod flaps his wings...

and sets to running Number 6 back down through the orchard
to join the rest of the Roos.

This happens several times daily,
and then all returns to calm.

Yesterday, however, another one of the Roos made his way to the barnyard.
Let's call him Number 5.

Numbers 1 thru 4 continue to spend their days around the farmhouse,
seemingly oblivious to the fact that two of their compadres are missing.

Well, back to Number 5....
upon arrival at the barnyard, Number 6 puffed up his neck feathers and
ran at Number 5.

Number 5  fought back....
after all, his honor was at stake....
and there were ladies watching...
French ladies!

The two went at it for about 5 minutes until a stalemate was called.
These two seemingly worked out their differences and went back to 
wooing the ladies.

 Rod, however was on high alert the rest of the day

and patrolled the barnyard with determination.

How can a guy relax when two interlopers insist on
fraternizing with his gals!

Luckily, Guido and the boys were hanging out with the turkeys,
or things could have really gotten ugly!

And if that didn't make you smile,
perhaps this will...

Have a great day!!

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- Squatters, Garden Matters, And Tyler, Too
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- Fraternization
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