
The rains came and went,
and the sun came out again...

Blue skies and temperatures in the high seventies,
with cool nights...a hint of autumn is in the air.j

The horses love their afternoons on pasture...

but readily come running when I enter the dry lot clapping my hands for them.

A little hay and a peppermint treat awaits them...

in a matter of seconds the Bigs are all back into the dry lot.

The Littles, however, are much more coy,
and take a bit of coaxing to get them in.

Shaking a bag of Quaker Oatmeal cereal squares helps,
but they generally take their good ole time!

On another subject....
I have spent so much of the time these past couple of weeks talking about
Roosters Number 5 and 6.

Today I want to show you Rooster Number 1.

He is one of my most handsome roosters,
who spends his days with his fellow Roos...

lately hanging around the outside of the "youngins'" house

leering like lecherous old men
just waiting for the "youngins" to mature.

The rainy weekend gave me a chance to sew another
1940's style apron.

You can see it HERE!

- Much Ado About Roos!
Well, it's finally happened.After nearly two years,all of the Roos have found the hens. Let me "recap" for you.... Two summers ago, I bought a dozen Ameraucana chicks...a "straight run" as they call it....unsexed.Well, the odds were not in my favor...

- My Confession
Hi, my name is Bev and I have 10 roosters. (I know, it sounds like I am at an AA meeting.) TEN!  I cannot believe my own ears.I have 10 roosters. And very possibly, I have 11 roosters....time will tell on that one. Funny....for a gal who only ever...

There was quite a stir in the barnyard yesterday. Rod was all a flutter. You see, he's had his hands full lately,(I know, chickens don't really have hands, do they?)with Number 6's daily visits to the henhouse. When the two boys' paths...

- Pasture Eyes
Each afternoon the Littles and the Bigs spend some time grazing in our pastures. During the summer months, they spend that time in the lower pasture in front of the barn. This pasture is adjacent to the dry lots and easily accessiblethrough...

- Will Work For Snacks!
Dear Quaker Foods: We are inquiring about the spokes-personemployment opportunity that you had recently advertised.We are not Quaker, but one of us (Moonbeam) used to be Amish..... The "Bigs" need a job....something to help them earn their keep...a little...

